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Pain Spa Limited is registered and incorporated in England and Wales. It is registered at 30-31 St James place, Mangotsfield, Britol BS16 9JB and the company registration number is 07735639.
The Pain Spa Limited logo is the registered service trademark of Pain Spa Limited. All rights are expressively reserved. Except where specifically stated, Pain Spa Ltd are the owners of the Copyright of the contents of this website, including content data, design, graphics, text, images, software and underlying source codes. The contents of this website may not be used, sold, licensed, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in any media by any person without the prior written consent of Pain Spa Ltd.
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You are advised that decisions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of a medical condition and drug therapy, are complex medical decisions, requiring independent and informed judgement of an appropriate healthcare professional. All specific questions regarding the treatment and care of a medical condition should be posed to your own professional healthcare provider.
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Medical Information: Medical information will be kept confidential. It will only be disclosed to those involved with your treatment or care, including your GP, or to their agents, and, if applicable, to any person or organisation who may be responsible for meeting your treatment expenses, or their agents.
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© Pain Spa 2025
Website by Eldo™