Patient with Severe Groin Pain
Presenting Complaint
51 year old patient presented with pain in the right groin and lower abdomen. She described it as grinding and pressure pain. Pain would be exacerbated by activities including standing still, sitting down, bending, lifting and the usual household chores. She found gardening difficult because of her pain. Lying down relieved her pain to some extent but her sleep was disturbed. Pain radiated to her inner thigh to some extent.
Previous Investigations/ Treatments
Over the years she had input from various specialists including the gynaecologists, as well as the colorectal team. She has had various tests including multiple ultrasound scans, MRI scan of the pelvis and upper and lower GI endoscopies. No specific cause could be identified for the ongoing pain. She also underwent laparoscopy but again no cause for the pain was identified. She tried various pain killers including Gabapentin, Pregabalin, Amitriptyline and Morphine, but could not tolerate the side effects.
Treatment from Dr. Krishna at Pain Spa
The patient saw Dr. Krishna in his clinic at the Nuffield Hospital in Bristol, desperate for some pain relief. Dr. Krishna felt that her pain was secondary to irritation of the nerves in her groin and diagnosed her of Genitofemoral neuralgia. Dr. Krishna offered her diagnostic Genitofemoral nerve block under ultrasound guidance, followed by Genitofemoral pulsed radiofrequency ablation treatment. This treatment was performed under ultrasound guidance without any problems.
The patient was reviewed 3 months post procedure, when she reported significant improvement in her groin pain. In fact she had been pain free following the nerve ablation treatment. Her function also improved significantly and she was now able to do her activities around her house and also gardening.
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