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Arthrosamid Injection for Severe Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Patient Background An 84-year-old lady presented with severe right-sided knee pain due to Grade 4 osteoarthritis of the knee. Her pain was debilitating, severely impacting her daily function. She could only walk a few steps with the aid of a walking stick and avoided basic daily activities due to the...

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Pulsed Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment for Testicular Pain

Background A 46-year-old male presented with left-sided groin and testicular pain, which had been ongoing for several months. The pain was constant and significantly impacted his ability to perform daily activities, particularly bending and exercising. The patient also reported difficulty with sexual intercourse due to the pain, further affecting his...

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Successful Radiofrequency Treatment for Severe Low Back Pain

Background A 65-year-old female presented with a long-standing history of severe low back pain that significantly impaired her daily life. Prior to treatment, her condition had deteriorated to the point where she was nearly housebound, with limited mobility and worsening quality of life. Clinical History The patient had been evaluated...

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Treatment of PTSD with SGB Injections

Presenting Complaint A 45-year-old male presented to our clinic with a history of PTSD symptoms following his experience as a witness to a terrorist attack approximately 10 years ago. He reported experiencing recurrent distressing memories, nightmares, flashbacks, and hypervigilance related to the traumatic event. These symptoms had significantly impaired his...

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Vulvodynia treated with Pudendal Nerve Blocks

Presenting Complaint 50-year-old lady, complaining of pain in the vulva, that has been persistent for several years. She describes a constant burning sensation and sensitivity to light touch in the area. Pain is exacerbated with sexual intercourse. She complains of difficulty with the evacuation of her bowels as well as emptying the bladder....

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SGB injection for PTSD patient

Presenting Complaint A 38-year-old woman, with a complex history of multiple psychological traumas including childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, and a marriage breakdown, presented with a constellation of distressing symptoms. These symptoms included recurrent disturbing memories of past traumatic experiences, distressing nightmares, sudden re-experiencing of past traumas, intense emotional distress...

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Genicular Nerve Radiofrequency for Knee Pain

Presenting Complaint 83-year-old lady with constant pain in his right knee of at least 2 years duration. She described the pain as a constant aching sensation, exacerbated by standing and walking. Her walking ability was restricted to less than 25 yards. Rest did not help her pain. The pain would come...

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SGB injection for PTSD patient

Presenting Complaint 30 year old presented with a long history of severe PTSD. Symptoms included hypervigilance, always being on the edge, repeated disturbing memories, repeated disturbing dreams, feeling very upset when reminded of a stressful experience from the past, avoiding thinking about stressful experiences from the past, loss of interest...

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Knee pain from osteoarthritis

Presenting Complaint 48 year old gentleman with constant pain in his right knee of at least 18 months duration. He described pain as a constant aching sensation, exacerbated by standing and walking. His walking ability was restricted to less than 250 yards. He was unable to exercise and enjoy any...

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